Geoproducts are products or services that are unique and also environmentally friendly and are located in a geopark environment. Geoproducts are products or services that are unique and also environmentally friendly and are located in a geopark environment. Here are some of the geoproducts in the Gorontalo Geopark.


Figure 1. Makrame Oluhuta is a geoproduct developed by the Tourism Awareness Group of Oluhuta Village in collaboration with the PHP2D Team of the UNG Literacy Student Activity Unit. Macrame is made from shellfish waste which is widely available on the Oluhuta reef terraces. Makrame Oluhuta is a geoproduct at the Oluhuta site (Photo: PHP2D UKM Literasi UNG 2021).

21. Miniatur hiu paus

Figure 2. The miniature whale shark of Botubarani is a geoproduct developed by the Botubarani Village Tourism Awareness Group and the Botubarani Youth Organization in collaboration with the UNG Geology PHP2D/P3D Team. Miniatures made from wood and plastic waste. Miniature whale sharks are geoproducts at the Botubarani site (Photo: PHP2D/P3D Teknik Geologi UNG 2020).

22. Additional-geoproduk Bilal Mekar Snack 2

Figure 3. Gorontalo spices. This geoproduct is a geoproduct located near the Gorontalo Old City site (Photo: Hafree Baladraf).

23. Additional-geoproduk Bilal Mekar Snack

Figure 4. Panada tore cookies and shredded tuna. This geoproduct is a geoproduct located near the Gorontalo Old City site (Photo: Hafree Baladraf).

24. Additional-geoproduk H2Rizky Cookies

Figure 5. Coockies. This geoproduct is a geoproduct located near the Otajin site (Photo: Hafree Baladraf).

25. Additional-geoproduk IKM Ghidza Sasuke

Figure 6. Motota snack and shredded tuna (Photo: Hafree Baladraf).

26. Additional-geoproduk Pia Putra Kusuma

Figure 7. Pia cookies. This geoproduct is a geoproduct located near the Gorontalo Old City site (Photo: Hafree Baladraf).

27. Additional-geoproduk Rizky Cookies

Figure 8. Kerawang cookies and Pinogu coffee (Photo: Hafree Baladraf).

28. Additional-geoproduk Rahida Cookies

Figure 9. Cookies, Kerawang cookies, and sagela chilli sauce. This geoproduct is a geoproduct located near the Gorontalo Old City site (Photo: Hafree Baladraf).

29. Additional-geoproduk UKM Flamboyan

Figure 10. Banana chips, Kerawang cookies, and sagela chilli sauce. This geoproduct is a geoproduct located near the Gorontalo Old City site (Photo: Hafree Baladraf).

30. Additional-geoproduk Kedai Nurfarab

Figure 11. Processed tuna and sagela chilli sauce. This geoproduct is a geoproduct located near the Gorontalo Old City site (Photo: Hafree Baladraf).

31. Additional-geoproduk Gula Aren Atinggola

Figure 12. Atinggola palm sugar. This geoproduct is a geoproduct located near the Otajin site (Photo: Hafree Baladraf).

32. Additional-geoproduk UMKM Limaya

Figure 13. Processed tuna. This geoproduct is a geoproduct located near the Gorontalo Old City site (Photo: Hafree Baladraf).

33. Additional-geoproduk Minyak Kelapa Kampung

Figure 14. Local coconut oil. This geoproduct is a geoproduct located near Lake Limboto site (Photo: Hafree Baladraf).

34. Additional-geoproduk Itatz Mode (Karawo)

Figure 15. Kerawang cloths. This geoproduct is a geoproduct located near Lake Limboto site (Photo: Hafree Baladraf).

35. Additional-geoproduk Wumulo Karawo

Figure 16. Kerawang cloths, brooches, wallets and bags. This geoproduct is a geoproduct located near Gorontalo Old City site (Photo: Hafree Baladraf).

UMKM Salvador Dali (MBKM UNG)

Figure 17. Handcraft made from Goropa's scales. Located near by Olele Village Bone Bolango District. (Photo: Magang MBKM UNG Adm. Publik 2022)

UKM Nega Galeri

Figure 18. Decorative Lamp made from reusable PVC pipe. Located on Alwie Jalil Habibie Dutohe Village Bone Bolango District. (Photo: Abd. Malik Pakaya Magang MBKM UNG 2022)

UMKM Alata

Figure 19. Handcraft from local comunity, made from Eceng Gondok (water hyacinth). Located by Limboto District. (Photo: Ni Kadek Putri W. Tirta Magang MBKM UNG 2022)

UMKM Fenysha

Figure 20. Processed food consists of Sagela and Tuna. Located by Gunung Agung Siendeng Gorontalo City. (Photo: Putri Diah Rahayu Magang MBKM UNG 2022)

UMKM Fenysha

Figure 21. Karawang Cookies is traditional cake that has a karawang pattern on top of it. Located on Gunung Agung Siendeng Gorontalo City. (Photo: Nurain Oktaviani Kalaati Magang MBKM UNG 2022)

Belgina Fashion

Figure 22. Belgina Fashion made from Karawo. Located in Gorontalo City. (Photo: Siti Rahmawati Abas Magang MBKM UNG 2022)

UMKM Rhaumah

Figure 23. Geofood made from Nike and Payangga (Local Fish) with crispy texture. Located on Perum Rosaindo Blok A No. 7 Molosifat Gorontalo City. (Photo: Lutfiyah Tangahu Magang MBKM UNG 2022)

Karawo Humairah

Figure 24. Karawo Handcraft (karawo bouquet, key chain etc) located in Jambura Molosifat Gorontalo City (Photo: Sri Delfi Nakii Magang MBKM UNG 2022)

IKM Tilomungo

Figure 25. Gorontalo Traditional Candy, made from brown sugar. Located on Gorontalo City (Photo: Magang MBKM UNG Adm. Publik 2022)

UMKM Regina Karawo

Figure 26. Fashion product that contains Karawo. Located in Tribata Ipilo Gorontalo City (Photo: Magang MBKM UNG Adm. Publik 2022)

IKM Anistum

Figure 27. Geoproduct from peanut and banana. Located on Luwohu village Bone Bolango Regency. (Photo: Magang MBKM UNG Adm. Publik 2022)

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