kukis Biji Ketapang

Ketapang Seed Cookies

Seeds are typical snacks from Gorontalo, which were initially only served during Eid al-Fitr, but with the creativity of the Rahida Cookies team, seeds are one of the snacks that are suitable for everyone, snacks that are packaged practically, so they can be taken anywhere and anytime and not just as a treat during Eid. Currently, seeds have become one of the snacks that are used as souvenirs from Gorontalo. These seeds themselves already have various flavors, namely, original, sesame, peanuts, onions and corn, one of the variants is also corn using original corn typical of Gorontalo. Because Gorontalo is a producer of corn, so we make corn one of the variants of seeds.

BPOM : 636232001025

Ingredients : Flour, Sugar, Margarine, Eggs, Coconut Milk, Sodium Bicarbonate, Margarine Cooking Oil (Contains Potassium Sorbate Preservative), Antioxidants BHA and BHT, Natural Colorant Beta-Carotene (Synthetic, Cl. No. 40800, Anato Extract Cl. No. 75120, Kurlumin Cl. No. 75300)

Address: Gorontalo, Indonesia

Instagram : Rahida Cookies

Whatsapp : 085342230313

Keker Cookies

Keker Cookies (coconut cookies)

Keker Cookies are processed to be snacks made from grated coconut. The calories in food are the value of the amount of energy that food can produce. If we eat too much calories outside our needed energy, the calories will be saved as fat. If we consume 3 tablespoons or grated coconut, it wil give us 75 to 100 calories to our bod, so keker cookies is a healthy snacks.

No. P-IRT :

Ingredients : Eggs, Butter, Flour, Refined Sugar, Chocolate Bars, Palm Sugar, Cheese, Grated Coconut.

Address: Gorontalo, Indonesia

Instagram Rahida Cookies

Whatsapp : 085342230313



Skipi consist of 4 flavour peanuts, cjocolates, cheese, and coffee flavour. Made from ingredierts of choices. Recommended to eat with your family

No. P-IRT :

Ingredients : Flour, Vegetable Oil, Eggs, Refined Sugar, Cheese, Chocolate Bar, Coffee, Nuts

Address: Gorontalo, Indonesia

Instagram Rahida Cookies

Whatsapp : 085342230313

Gut Cookies

Gut Cookies (Kribos Ckrispy)

No. P-IRT :

Ingredients: Flour, Eggs, Margarine, Vanilla, Powdered Sugar, Milk, Cocoa Powder and Chocolate Bars

Address: Gorontalo, Indonesia

Instagram Rahida Cookies

Whatsapp : 085342230313

Acar Ikan Pisang

Banana Fish Pickle

No. P-IRT :

Ingredients : Tuna Fish, Vegetable Oil, Salt, Chili, Granulated Sugar, Shallots, Garlic, Chili, Banana Kepok

Address: Gorontalo, Indonesia

Instagram Rahida Cookies

Whatsapp : 085342230313

Kue Karawo

Karawo Cake

No. P-IRT :

Ingredients: Flour, Eggs, Powdered Sugar, Butter, and Powdered Milk

Address: Gorontalo, Indonesia

Instagram Rahida Cookies

Whatsapp : 085342230313