The name of the geopark is Gorontalo Geopark. Gorontalo Geopark is located in Gorontalo City, Gorontalo Regency, Bone Bolango Regency, and Boalemo Regency.
Geopark Gorontalo is a part of province. The administrative boundaries of Gorontalo Province are 0° 19′ 00” - 1° 57′ 00” N dan 121° 23′ 00” - 125° 14′ 00” E. Gorontalo Province is directly adjacent to two other provinces, including the Province of Central Sulawesi in the west and North Sulawesi Province in the east. Meanwhile, in the north it is directly facing the Sulawesi Sea, and in the south is bordered by the Tomini Bay. The total area of Gorontalo Province is 11 257,07 km².

Figure 1. Access by air transportation to Geopark Gorontalo.
Gorontalo Geopark can be accessed using a commercial daily flight from Jakarta 3 hours, and from other major cities in Indonesia. Gorontalo Geopark has been serviced by good infrastructure from the airport.