The Cross-Sector Coordination Meeting for the preparation of the Geopark Master Plan held in Tanggerang Regency - Banten, Monday, August 28, 2023 aims to refine the Geopark Master Plan Draft in accordance with the preparation guidelines in the PPN / Bappenas Ministerial Regulation Number 15 of 2020 and synchronization with cross-sector programs. This meeting was attended by a number of elements such as the Ministry of PPN Bappenas, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (Geological Survey Center), the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Marine Fisheries, the KNGI Expert Council, the Regional preparation facilitator team, and elements of the local government.
The output of this activity is input for the improvement of the Gorontalo Geopark Development Master Plan Draft.
The Geological Heritage of Gorontalo Province has been established through the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia Number 150.K/GL.01/MEM.E/2023 concerning the Determination of Geological Heritage (Geoheritage) on July 3, 2023. Gorontalo Geopark is spread in 3 regencies and 1 city including Gorontalo Regency, Boalemo Regency, Bone Bolango Regency and Gorontalo City. In addition to geological heritage, Gorontalo Geopark also has biological sites, cultural sites and other important sites.
In this Coordination Meeting, the Gorontalo Geopark Development Master Plan Draft was presented by the Gorontalo Geopark Master Plan Compilation Team. The presentation explained about the sites in Gorontalo Geopark, Travel Route, Development Strategy, Vision and Mission, Development Pillars (Conservation Pillar, Educational Pillar, Economic Pillar and Institutional Pillar) and Gorontalo Geopark Conservation Plan.
Responding to the presentation of the Gorontalo Geopark Development Master Plan Draft, one of the responders Asep Syarifudin as a representative of the Regional Directorate II said that Gorontalo Province has very good tourism potential, he also suggested that the implementation and development of Gorontalo Geopark must be synchronized and harmonious with the direction of existing development policies.