Figure. Acting Regional Secretary of Gorontalo Province Budiyanto Sidiki when giving a response at the presentation of the advisory mission results by the Global Geopark Network at the Governor's Rujab Hall, Gorontalo City, Wednesday (12/7/2023).
Gorontalo City, Kominfotik - Gorontalo Province targets to enter the national geopark in 2024. Following up on this, the Secretary General of the Global Geopark Network (GGN), Guy Martini, who has conducted a six-day assistance visit in Gorontalo, has prepared short-term and long-term plans.
"I am very impressed with Gorontalo, it is extraordinary to have a biological heritage that tells the history of the Gorontalo earth 53 thousand years ago until today. Gorontalo has many conservation areas that show the natural heritage that is still maintained," said Mr. Guy, translated from English when giving a presentation on the results of the advisory mission in the Governor's Rujab Hall, Gorontalo City, Wednesday (12/7/2023).
Mr. Guy explained several stages in the short-term plan that he has compiled with the geopark team. Starting from determining the geopark route in August, budget preparation by the Gorontalo Provincial Government to conduct inventory, and prepare funds for scientific studies.
Meanwhile, the long-term plan will start with determining the site to be proposed, determining the route, building infrastructure and preparing funds, as well as forming a team that must start from 2023 and is targeted to be completed in 2024.
"If this plan is delayed, the proposal will also be delayed. We have to wait another year for the national geopark proposal and start all over again," Mr. Guy said.
He added that the most important thing before carrying out the entire action plan is to find the international value of geosites in Gorontalo. Earth studies and finding international publications related to the geological story of Gorontalo's earth formation.
Following up on this action plan, Acting Regional Secretary of Gorontalo Province Budiyanto Sidiki said that the provincial government will encourage efforts to accelerate the geopark proposal by forming an institution that is coordinative and strengthened with each district / city. He plans to immediately hold a meeting with districts / cities that have geosites to discuss the completeness that must be prepared.
"Our geosite is unique because some of them are more specific to one district. Some sites are under the authority of the district/city, so a strong enough team must be formed to coordinate and be supported by a work team to compile the completeness needed in our steps to achieve the target in September 2023," Budiyanto explained.
Reporter: Mila