As a follow-up to the survey and mapping conducted by the Bureau of Geological Marine Survey and Mapping (BBSPGL) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia in the costal arean of Gorontalo from April 29 to May 13, 2024, the Bapppeda of Gorontalo Province held a meeting to convey initial information opened by the Acting Assistant for General Administration Affairs of the Provincial Secretariat, Yosef P Koton. Representing the Secretary of Gorontalo Province, Yosef conveyed that the theme adopted for the Gorontalo geopark is "Gorontalo’s Earth Symphony: Exploring the Diversity of Land and Ocean." This theme was chosen because the Gorontalo geopark boasts the beauty and wonders of the earth as well as the fascinating underwater life. With the geological survey and mapping conducted by BBSPGL, it will certainly enrich marine geological data and can serve as additional assessment during the visitation of potential national geoparks.

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Meanwhile, the Head of BBSPGL, Priatin Hadi Wijaya, in his remarks, stated that in 2024, disaster, resource, and geo-environmental activities would be focused on Gorontalo to support the development of the geopark in this area. "The data collected will greatly support efforts to establish Gorontalo as a national geopark. Studies will be conducted together with expert teams across agencies and Gorontalo State University, and the data obtained will be discussed in a Focus Group Discussion (FGD)," he said.

During the discussion, Budiyanto Sidiki, as the Head of Bapppeda, conveyed that the assessment or visitation by the National Geopark Committee of Indonesia would be conducted next June, and the survey conducted would greatly support the development and sustainability of the Gorontalo geopark as well as complementing data on Gorontalo's marine spatial planning. "We express our gratitude to BBSPGL for choosing Gorontalo as the survey location. This will certainly provide information and other potential related to marine geology in the waters of Gorontalo and serve as a basis for policy-making for the future development and management of the Gorontalo geopark," Budi concluded.


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