The master plan serves as a reference for the development and management of Geoparks by local governments to guide all regional stakeholders in the management and development of Geoparks in line with national and regional policies.
Sofyan Ibrahim, Head of the regional planning agency for Gorontalo Province, conveyed it on Friday (11/8/2023).
Sofyan Ibrahim explained that his agency had carried out the second focus group discussion on preparing the Gorontalo Geopark master plan (Renduk) held last Tuesday. This discussion took the topic "Formulation of the Vision and Action Plan for the Development of the Gorontalo Geopark."
In this discussion, Sofyan Ibrahim hopes that stakeholders can fully participate in the development of the geopark in order to compile a quality and implementable Gorontalo geopark master plan document.
He added that this master plan also provides direction for the potential use of geopark areas in a sustainable manner by natural and cultural conditions as well as a means of coordination, synergy, and synchronization of regional planning and development policy implementation.
The discussion was attended by the executing coordinator of the National Action Plan (NAP) Secretariat for Geopark Development Bappenas Dody Virgo Christopher Ricardo Sinaga, member of the Expert Council of the Indonesian Geopark National Committee (IGNC) Yunus Kusumabrata, the PMU team, heads of district/city regional apparatus organizations, representatives of vertical agencies and stakeholders in Gorontalo Province.
The discussion was divided into two groups to formulate visions, policies, development strategies, themes, Geotrail designs, and sub-themes.
"At the beginning of September 2023, we will submit the Gorontalo Geopark to be designated as a National Geopark. Therefore the Gorontalo Geopark development master plan document, which is being prepared, must be completed by the end of this August,” said Tity Iriani Datau
Author: MC Gorontalo Province
Editor: Kusnadi